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THE NINTH TONE on B-Side radio, Wed 4 December 2024, 5pm

THE NINTH TONE: speculations on a Chinese Australian sonic history

"in this stream of lightning birds" - field research for 'ion and bird: a test transmission for the Atlantic Flyway'

Sterbende Welt redux: field notebook for a failed nature documentary (for Andreas Reischek), commission for Kunstradio (Austria)

Cords and Wires, Whistling in Wind, curated by Josten Myburgh of Tone List records for the Fremantle Biennale.

works for disasters: an incomplete archive 2011-2021, Sally Ann McIntyre and Campbell Walker at Seventh Gallery

Post-extinction huia soundings, Te Whanganui-a-Tara 1912-1924 (moments of history torn away from the movement of history, then returned; no longer quite life, not yet death)

'Nocturne: Sonic Migrations' broadcasting on Radio Amnion, 8-10 December

radio cegeste performs expanded cinema iteration of "study for a stranding in 1861 (kia tūpato/beware)"

marcasite radio (an unstable object for ann ada): further and future experiments.

The New Zealand Storm Petrel, transmission for 'Ground' exhibition, at Haus of Vovo

.--. .-.. .- --. ..- . / -.-- . .- .-. (plague year), for Radiophrenia Glasgow 2022

ESC: Sonic Adventure in the Anthropocene